Ria Formosa Natural Park

Ria Formosa Natural Park

Wetland of international importance, the Ria Formosa is a maze of canals, islands, marshes and barrier islands, stretching 60kms along the Algarve coast, between the beaches of Manta Rota and Garrão. Are you looking for taxi service in Albufeira ? click here

This diversity of ecosystems attracts a varied fauna that includes numerous species of birds. One of the rarest is the “galinha-sultana (sultan hen)”, symbol of the Natural Park, and a type of bird that you can’t find anywhere else in the country. If you want to admire this bird of gorgeous plumage and know everything about the protected area, begin your visit by the Centro de Educação Ambiental de Marim (Environmental Education Center of Marim), which will show you the most suitable hiking trails and observatories where to hide to enjoy the day-to-day of the various species. The park also organizes tours in a traditional boat formerly used in tuna fisheries.

Before going on a walk, see the protected area for more information about the courses, including their conservation status. Still confused? Book online taxi in Albufeira

When to Visit Ria Formosa

The Natural Park of Ria Formosa can be visited throughout the year, the best time to visit can vary according to your objectives. If your visit is related with cultural values, any time of year is appropriate, although you should avoid the high Summer season if you’re seeking peace and tranquility.

If you’re seeking contact with the nature, in particular the fauna, then the fall and winter are the preferred times. Most of the existing species in Ria Formosa are hardly observable, except for the birds, their flight and their colors.

The Ria Formosa is of crucial importance to most avifauna, given that is a resting area for migratory birds and a wintering place for a considerable number of waterfowl. The natural park is also a nesting site for the birds arriving in the spring, or that make Ria Formosa their permanent habitat.

One of the nicest species that can be found here, is the Portuguese water dog. This is a breed of dogs that for long, helped the fishermen in their toil, diving and catching fish that got trapped in nets. Want to have a airport transfer ? click here

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